U subotu, 22.11.2014. u Vašem i našem clubu “Cult” očekuje Vas prava disco groznica!!!

Za sve Vas željne dobre superfunky zabave i plesa u goste smo pozvali vrhunsku DJ-icu pod umjetničkim imenom DJ DANCETTE inače rodom iz Varaždina koja je svoja glazbena iskustva i uspjehe stjecala u Engleskoj (London) i “preko bare” New York!!!


Vrsta glazbe kojom se bavi je old school disco, funk, soul, house ali sa dodatkom modernog štiha…znači plesna i vesela muzika koja će Vas držat u dobrom štimungu!

Moramo napomenuti da se DJ DANCETTE bavila i manekenstvom te bila fotomodel u New York-u… dakle očekuje Vas melem za oči i uši…

Znači,pripremite plesne cipelice i “naoružajte” se dobrim vibracijama jer Vas u clubu “Cult” čeka noć puna disco,funk,soul,house glazbe koju će Vam servirat DJ DANCETTE!!!


Evo da i ona podijeli nekoliko rečenica sa nama:

I got my first record 2003 in London for my birthday and it was by 
Big Moses – That’s How Much I Love You (Shelter Vox). Back then I was inspired by house music scene but after I moved to New York City 2004 is when I really discovered the richness and the roots of house music. Regularly visiting clubs like Shelter (Timmy Regisford), Cielo (Masters at Work), Body & Soul (Danny Kivit, Francois Kevorkain and Joe Claussel), 718 Sessions (Danny Krivit, Jezzy Jeff), The Loft (David Mancuso) I really got deep in to NY house/disco scene and street dance. That is when I started digging deep in record stores of Manhattan and Brooklyn, like Dope Jams in Brooklyn, Academy records on 10 th street, Good records and Turntable labe in East Village…
My style of music is old school disco (it’s progression from 70’s till late 80’s), soul, funk, afrobeat, house and all the god stuff I come across. The sound is full with instruments, breaks, vocals, changes, percussions, trumpets, keyboards and such… 

                                                                                                              (club Cult)